Farmers Way



Farmers Way will surely welcome and facilitate in all ways possible, the inclusion of foreign nationals wishing to partake in our truly worthwhile project. Our policy is of inclusion, not exclusion. Yes as Muslims we have certain no no’s, for example the consumption of any intoxicants, interest (riba), or gambling, but these supreme injunctions are for the betterment off and cohesion of humanity on multi levels.

With such an astounding and truly off-grid ‘total solution’, developed over 20 years of much effort, we wish for almost any member of the global family to participate in and reap from its array of benefits. It’s like a dream come true, but the realization of this dream is made available for anyone to enjoy and take pleasure and benefit from.


As part of the facilitation process for foreign nationals, we provide the following;

  • Visit letter for Visa visit purpose
  • Secured ownership of agro-farm/eco-villa partnering with Farmers Way (Pvt) Ltd
  • Through the automated system, cargo/shipment of selected produce (subject to flight schedule and local laws)
  • Gated, secure, and security personnel in place as part of project
  • A zero discrimination policy is adopted, with all efforts geared towards maintaining and enforcing a respectful, caring, and peaceful environment

Farmers Way, like the diverse nature of agri produce around the world, thoroughly appreciates the diversity of humanity. Ultimately, we all have the same needs, wants, aspirations etc. We (in actual fact it is the Supreme-Being) shall provide the huge array of pure organic produce, an idyllic nature based environment, self-sustainable, non-dependency off-grid retreat, and all the long-term professional expertise and support you will need to live a capitalist-free life. In return, we respectfully stipulate, all mankind is born equal. We shall co-exist in harmony and with mutual honour and respect.

The people of Pakistan are no doubt, unlike the image portrayed on MSM, are a very hospitable, dutiful and respectful people towards visitors/tourists and actually take much gratification from earning a smile or a thank you. Farmers Way shall attempt to further raise this practice to new heights to enhance understanding, develop trusting bonds, and ‘build bridges’ on common grounds within our global family, inn shaa Allah. 

Corporate Office Location:
Executive Complex,
Office #14, Second Floor, 
G-8 Markaz,
Islamabad 46000, Pakistan
Office: +92-512340333
Toll Free: +923-111-101-711
Mob/WA: +92-310-0274111

©2025 Farmers Way (Pvt) Ltd.